Hydra FAQs

How do I use my SSH keys with Brokkr?

I have an SSH key that I want to use with my Brokkr server. How do I do that?


When you create a Brokkr account, you can upload an SSH key. This associates it with your user. When you provision a server, you can select the key from the list of keys associated with your user.

If you don't have an SSH key, you can create one by running the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

When prompted, provide a name for the key pair. We also recommend using the default location for the key. A passphrase is optional, but recommended for added security.

SSH Notes

  • Brokkr is compatible with multiple key formats, like RSA, ECDSA, and ED25519.
  • To check if your SSH agent has access to your key, you can use:
    ssh-add -L
    If your key doesn't show up, you can add it with:
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/nameofprivatekey

IPV4 and IPV6

  • If you see a message "No route to host" when trying to SSH, you may be on IPV4 trying to access an IPV6 machine.
  • To resolve, you can get an IPV6 address by downloading Cloudflare app here: https://one.one.one.one. This can be helpful when you're on an IPV4-only network.
  • You can verify you have an IPV6 address by using: https://www.myipaddress.com
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