How do I add or remove someone in my Organization?

Remove or add a user to an Org

To add a person into your Brokkr Org, you will first need:

  • To have your own Brokkr account
  • To have an Organization set up in Brokkr
  • To be part of this Organization
  • To be an admin in the Organization
  • To have the new person’s email used to set up their Brokkr account

With these preconditions completed, follow these steps:

  1. Ask the person if they have a Brokkr account yet
    1. Yes →Go to next step
    2. No → As them to create an account at
    3. When confirmed, move to next step
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  1. In Brokkr, see the left side navigation panel, select SETTINGS
  1. Then under SETTINGS, select ORGANIZATIONS
  1. Select the organization to which you want to add the new person
  1. You will see the Org setting view. You should see a section labeled Organization Members. At the top right of this pane, you will see a button labeled “+ Add Member”
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  1. Add the person’s email, select the appropriate role, then click the Blue ADD button:
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To remove a person,

  1. Under the Org setting view, you should see a section labeled Organization Members. At the top right of this pane, you will see a dropdown showing the member’s role (Owner, admin, member, etc). Next to this you will see three vertical dots. Select those dots and select DELETE
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Last updated on August 4, 2021